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🤔I’m not sure that I that I want to return to the way life was before....

How many times have you heard people say that they wish they could go back to “The Good Ole Days.”

Now more than ever people may long to go back to the way things were....,

after dealing with Covid and all the continued trials we face. But, what truly makes anyone crave a time from the past? Is it because another period seems that it was a simpler time? Maybe. But, those good ole days weren’t necessarily good because times were better. Could it be that those times may have felt good then, because we didn’t know anything better? The Good Ole Days weren’t without struggle and sacrifice, but it was a time filled with longing for a better way of life. A life you hoped would be better even if you didn’t know fully what that would bring. Human Beings have always strived to find a better, more purposeful life. But the idea of attaining a better life, was never meant to be at the expense of one group of people over another. “Better”, certainly was not meant to be because one group of people lived in a given area first, that it meant no one else had any rights. Truthfully, very few people living in this country are the original dwellers of the land. This country has always been, and still is, a culmination of immigrants from all over the world, seeking the same thing. “Better.” So, now that we know what “better”isn’t, we should never look to stay in, or to return to a period of time widely known that deprived the human rights of any one group of people. Every one must have the equal, right to the same opportunities to build a fulfilling and purposeful life for themselves and their families. I do believe, that once we know better, we should do better! Instead of longing for an under-serving past, let us all move forward in a positive way, building a better, more purposeful future. A future that makes us proud of each other, because we have all grown; learning to help one another as Human Beings, to all find the “Better”in life!😊

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